Regent High School

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Year 11-to-Year 12 transition

We know that moving into the Sixth Form is a significant moment.  It marks the next stage in your academic and emotional lives, and we want to get it right.

Work starts early in Year 11 to support students to know what opportunities are available at Regent Sixth Form.  Applications are then written, offers made, and students start to prepare for their post-16 studies.

We invest a significant amount of time in making sure our Sixth Form students are as ready as possible for the start of Year 12.

We always look forward to welcoming our new Year 12s, and we'll be providing some resources on this page to help with your transition to Regent Sixth Form.  Remember to check this page from time-to-time to look at the resources and to be as prepared as possible for life in the Sixth Form.

Most importantly, start to think of all the goals you will be able to achieve during your time in the Sixth Form, and what you will do to be as successful as you can.

Sixth Form team

We have a dedicated Sixth Form team who will work with you during your time in the Sixth Form.  The team comprises:

  • Ms C Israel, Assistant Headteacher and Head of Sixth Form;
  • Ms S Tagoe, Head of Years 12 and 13.

Preparing for Sixth Form study

Sixth Form studies are very different to GCSEs, whether you are going to study an A Level course, BTEC, CTEC or diplomas. The best way to ensure you are prepared for the demands of the course and that you have selected the subject(s) that are right for you is to complete the summer transition work set by the teachers. This will not only boost your interested and equip your knowledge to ensure you’re choosing the right courses, but demonstrate your effort and commitment to your teachers from day one! All work should be handed into your teachers in September.


If you have any questions, please do email Ms Israel at and she can put you in contact with the subject specialist for each of our disciplines. Wishing you a happy and productive summer.


Transition Work 

Please click on your subject below for the summer transition work

Art & Design 


Business A Level & CTEC


Computer Science 


English Literature 

Geography (Booklet 1) 

Geography (Booklet 2)

History (Booklet 1) 

History (Booklet 2)

Health & Social Care 




Psychology (Booklet 1)

Psychology (Booklet 2) 

