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Safeguarding support

Regent High School is committed to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of all students and staff members.  This is particularly important during the current coronavirus outbreak.

Below you will find lots of resources and links to support positive mental health and wellbeing.  We will keep adding to these resources, so do check back regularly.

Use our self-referral poster - which is the same one that you can see in classrooms across school - to find organisations that can provide lots of information on a range of different topics

Reading is a great way to support positive mental health and wellbeing.  Go to the Reading Well web pages to see fiction and non-fiction recommendations that will support good mental health.  Go to our virtual school library for more reading suggestions.

Remember that there is information on our Internet safety page if you need help to stay safe online.

Camden youth services helpline

A new helpline has just been launched for young people to get access to advice and support from Camden youth services.  The Camden youth services helpline is available on 020 7974 6200 and is for young people aged 13-19.  It will be open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 2-5pm, offering advice from Camden Integrated Youth Support Service staff on a wide range of services, including:

  • Careers and Connexions
  • Youth workers - for advice or support with any concerns young people may have
  • Youth offending service staff
  • Drugs or alcohol (FWD substance misuse service).

Looking after your mental health

Use our 10 ways to look after your mental health poster, which you can also see displayed in school.


Image result for action for happiness logo

Action for Happiness have a website and app with lots of ideas for staying calm, happy and resilient.


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The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has a site aimed at empowering young people to make informed choices about their mental health and wellbeing.  Their On My Mind pages are co-produced by young people to help other young people.  They also have a really helpful Youth Wellbeing Directory full of information.


FWD - Camden Rise - Camden Council

Camden Rise provides support to young people across the borough on topics ranging from things to do to getting involved and staying safe.

Their Body Talk section includes information on how to keep mind and body healthy.


 Image result for childline logo 

Childline is available online or on the phone to provide support and advice.  Childline's Calm Zone also contains lots of suggestions if you are feeling worried or stressed.  Childline has also produced some specific advice about coronavirus.


Good Thinking - NHS approved wellbeing service | Good Thinking

Good Thinking provides digital mental wellbeing advice and resources for young people.  There's also a section to support parents and carers, too. 


Kooth | Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea

Kooth is offering online support to young people.  This poster gives more information about the service in Camden.


Articles by Mee Two

MeeTwo is an app that you can download to talk about difficult things.


Mind logo and symbol, meaning, history, PNG

Advice from Mind - the national mental health charity - about coronavirus and mental health


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The Mix provides essential support for young people under 25.


Helping families 'get active' – Northumbria Healthcare NHS ...

NHS Change4life has a range of handy tips to live a healthier life.


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The Samaritans is available to talk to around the clock; call 116 123.


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SelfharmUK is dedicated to self-harm recovery, insight and support.


Shout: Supporting People in Crisis | PayPlan

Shout provides a Crisis Text Line that you can contact 24/7 if you are in crisis.


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YoungMinds is a children and young people's mental health charity.

Support during the coronavirus pandemic

Camden has produced this guide to looking after yourself during the pandemic.  There is a similar guide for parents/carers available on this page, too.

The Government has produced a guide to looking after your feelings and your body during the coronavirus pandemic.

Use Action for Happiness' coping calendar to keep calm, stay wise and be kind.

Use this resilience strategies chart to help you to keep your resilience high during this time.

Camden Rise has compiled a list of resources to help you stay happy and healthy.

Student Space has lots of resources to help you through the challenges of coronavirus.

Information from the Mental Health Foundation about looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.

Advice form BACP - the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy - about looking after your mental health and well being if you're self-isolating

Tips from YoungMinds about how to cope if you're anxious about coronavirus.

Joe Wicks, the Body Coach, is running a live PE lesson every day at 9.00am for 30 minutes.  Join in via YouTube.

Down Dog, a yoga and exercise app and website, is offering free access to schools until 1 July.  Use your school e-mail address to sign up.

Eat well; sleep soundly

It’s really important to try to eat and drink normally and get at least 8-10 hours of sleep each night.

The NHS Live Well website has lots of information about healthy eating for teenagers.  This includes healthy and simple recipes and tips for staying healthy.

The NHS Live Well website also has lots of information and tips about healthy sleep for teenagers.  There is also useful information from the Sleep Foundation about good sleep habits for young people.

Mindfulness matters

Smiling Mind is a free website and app that offers a variety of different meditations aimed specifically at young people.  You can create a free account thorugh the website or app.

Get active

Use the Sport England website to find out more about getting fit.

Teacher support guide