Parents' Evenings 2024-2025
In our efforts to support as many parents and carers as possible to attend Parents’ Evening, the school continues to run the evening online. We know that running the sessions online supports some parents/carers who would have previously found it difficult to attend in person, and in the last year we have seen the strongest attendance at our Parents’ Evenings to date. Please help us to achieve at least 95% attendance to all evenings and make the most of this valuable opportunity to discuss your child's learning.
Dates and times for 2024-2025
You will receive specific communication shortly before each Parents’ Evening. The schedule of Parents' Evenings this year is as follows (with links to the letters about each event):
Year group(s) |
Date and time |
Year 11 |
Thursday 12 December, 4.00-6.00pm |
Year 8 |
Thursday 16 January, 4.00-6.30pm |
Year 7 |
Thursday 23 January, 4.00-6.30pm |
Years 12 and 13 |
Thursday 6 February, 4.00-6.00pm |
Year 10 |
Thursday 13 February, 4.00-6.00pm |
Year 9 |
The system we are using for our online Parents' Evenings is SchoolCloud.
To make your appointments, please log in to the Regent High School page.
You will need to use:
- Your first name and surname
- Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth
The login details you enter must match those we have on record for you.
When it is time to meet
On the day of your appointments, you need to log in through the SchoolCloud website.
Please ensure you log in 5 minutes before your first appointment is due to begin so you can check your camera and microphone are working.
Where we have two people with parental responsibility recorded on our system, both will have received an invitation to book appointments. You can invite an additional parent/carer to join the appointments you book as explained in the guidance below.
In the first instance, please invite a trusted family member/friend to do this for you by asking them to join your meetings, as described above. The school has limited capacity to provide Bengali and Somali interpreters; should you require support, please send your invitation to our Bengali interpreter or Somali interpreter email addresses, respectively. Interpreters will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Troubleshooting support
If you are unable to book or are having any issues with the system, please contact the Reception for help at or by phone on 020 7387 0126. Heads of Year will also be able to support as appropriate.
Further guidance is available in our help guide, and in the video below:
SchoolCloud Parents Evening - Parent Login from SchoolCloud on Vimeo.