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Sixth Form success 2019

Students and staff at Regent Sixth Form are today celebrating another successful year of A Level, BTEC National, Cambridge Technical and AS Level results.

Many students have been successful in securing places at a range of universities, including SOAS, University of London, Queen Mary, University of London, the University of Sussex and the University of Westminster.  These successful and ambitious students will be studying a variety of courses ranging from Computer Science to Law, and from History to Human Geography.

Students are also exploring apprenticeship opportunities, with a focus on those in science-related fields.

Outstanding individual performances include:

Muslima Bilkis, who represented Regent High School at the inaugural Knowledge Quarter conference last year, achieved fantastic A, B, B grades in English Literature, History and Psychology.  Muslima mentioned that the staff at Regent Sixth Form are ‘so supportive’ and ‘always there’, and that it is important to stay motivated; she said ‘It will get difficult, but don’t give up and keep trying’.  Muslima will be progressing to Queen Mary, University of London, to study History and Politics.

Arkan Nashif, who has been awarded a brilliant A and two B grades in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. 

Noreen Choudhury who achieved Bs in History and Psychology, and a C in English Literature.  Noreen is going to Queen Mary, University of London, to study History.  Noreen noted that at Regent Sixth Form teachers ‘know you’ and you can ask for help if you need it.  She also spoke about the ‘sense of community’ in the school.

Students studying BTEC National and Cambridge Technical courses also excelled.  Abdoul De Oliveira achieved D*DD in the three A Level-equivalent BTEC Extended Diploma Science, with Sadiya Ahmed achieving DDD in the same subject.  Jamee Ahmed was successful in being awarded DD in the two A Level-equivalent BTEC Diploma in Science and a B in A Level History, while seven of the eight Cambridge Technical Diploma in Business students achieved D*D grades.

Year 12 students are also celebrating success at AS Level.  The top performing AS Level student was Jay-ar Aquino, who achieved A/A/C in AS Geography, Psychology and Politics.  Jay-ar, who travelled to Spain in Year 10 as part of Regent High School’s Erasmus+ drama project, hopes to join the Civil Service and said of his success that ‘You get out what you put in’.  Taslima Anjum was awarded A/B/C in Mathematics, Psychology and Chemistry and wants to study Pharmacy at a Russell Group university; and Joanna John, who achieved and A/B/C in Sociology, Psychology and English Literature, aspires to reading Psychology and Sociology at UCL.

Mr Moore, Headteacher at Regent High School, said: ‘I am extremely pleased with today’s results and very proud of our students for their tenacity, resilience and hard work, which is shown in the grades they have achieved.

‘Today’s results are evidence of our students’ ambition, and the excellent teaching and support provided by our staff.


Headteacher, Mr Moore, and Jay-ar Aquino

 Taslima Anjum