Regent High School

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School Council committed to making a difference

Proud of the strong student voice at Regent High School, School Council representatives recently entered the Speaker’s School Council Awards run by Parliament’s Education Service and the Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow MP.

The Awards judge School Council efforts that have been successfully student-led and have made a difference to their school and/or community. Regent High School put forward their exciting and successful teaching and learning project which is led by the Regent High School Learning and Achievement Committee.

The project involves an inspection, mirroring Ofsted, of the teaching and learning at the school. Aptly named ‘Insted’, and designed entirely by the School Council representatives, the process allows the students to feed back their thoughts and findings to members of staff to ensure any changes they think could be made are implemented.

Through their work we have seen increased ownership of the learning process and achievement is continuing to improve every year. Ms Robinson, Student Voice Coordinator.

Former student of the school, Khadija Sheik, introduced the initiative and students have been keen to continue the project ever since.

Upon entering the competition, School Council representative Arefa Sheik, commented; ‘I think that our project stands a good chance of winning. Students in our School Council are taking an active role in improving teaching and learning at our school’.

We wish them the best of luck with their entry and will let you know how they get on. For more information on the Speaker’s School Council Awards, please click here.