Regent High School

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Regent High School rated as ‘good’ and praised by Ofsted

Regent High School is delighted to announce that it has been rated as a ‘good’ school under the challenging new Ofsted framework. The inspection, which took place at the end of November 2012, praised students’ achievement, the quality of teaching, the behaviour and safety of students and the leadership and management of the school.

Inspectors found that ‘all staff share a relentless drive to raise the achievement of students’, that the school’s broad curriculum caters for students’ individual learning needs and interests, and that ‘teaching supports students’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural development strongly’.   The report confirms that the school’s ‘capacity to secure and maintain improvement is reflected by the significant yearly improvements in attainment and achievement’, that ‘GCSE and equivalent results obtained by Year 11 students have improved well… due to the very strong emphasis on learning’ and that ‘a significant proportion [of students] made outstanding progress in 2012’.  

Regent Sixth Form is also rated ‘good’.  Inspectors praised the post-16 offer, noting that ‘the achievement of students leaving in Year 13 is good, especially for students studying vocational qualifications’ and that ‘the success of the school’s drive to improve students’ life chances is reflected in the greater proportion of students progressing to higher education’.

Whilst the report identified significant strengths at our school, our goal is to become ‘outstanding’.  We are clear about the work we need to undertake to achieve this and have already, as a school community, embarked on this stimulating journey.

We are looking forward to an exciting and promising future with results expected to continue their upward trend, extensive opportunities for students, a flourishing Sixth Form and a state-of-the-art new building, due for completion in early 2014. We are confident these inspiring new facilities will support and facilitate students’ learning to ensure they can reach and exceed their potential, and that our thriving partnerships with students, parents, primary schools and partner organisations will ensure the future success of all our young people.

To download the full report click here  Ofsted report

Read the Ham & High's and CNJ's media coverage about our Ofsted.

For anyone wishing to arrange a tour of the school, please contact Richard Harrison on or 020 7387 0126.