Regent High School

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Regent High School at the opening of The Francis Crick Institute

Selected students from Regent High School attended the royal opening of The Francis Crick Institute on 9 November.  Regent High School students from Years 7 to 13 stood with pupils from Richard Cobden Primary School and Argyle Primary School at the front of the Crick's new £650 million building in the heart of Somers Town to welcome HM The Queen, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HRH The Duke of York.

The Crick is Europe's largest biomedical research centre, where scientists will be researching human health and disease. 

Regent High School has a long-standing relationship with the Crick, hosting its Discovery Zone where Crick staff work with students from Regent High School and other Camden secondary schools.

Students were delighted to be able to greet the royal party, and to be a part of this very special day for the Crick.

There is more information about the royal opening on the Crick's website.

HM The Queen and HRH Duke of Edinburgh arriving, greeted by Sir Paul Nurse, Chief Executive of the Crick.

HRH The Duke of York speaking with students.

Regent Sixth Form students at the royal opening.