Regent High School

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'This school continues to be good.' (Ofsted, 2018)


Regent High School is celebrating the very successful outcome of its recent Ofsted inspection.  You can read the full report here.

Inspected at the end of January 2018 and once again graded ‘good’, the inspectors identified that ‘the leadership team has maintained the good quality of education in the school since the last inspection’.

The inspectors also noted that since my appointment as Headteacher, my ‘vision, drive and determination are ensuring that the school is moving forward rapidly. Areas for improvement raised in the last Ofsted report are being tackled effectively’.  They further noted that Regent High School is ‘an inclusive school with a culture of high expectations for all’.

The report also states that ‘Governors are clear that this is a school which serves the local community. They possess a range of expertise, which helps them to carry out their duties to challenge school leaders and hold them to account’.  Regent High School’s governors – who are drawn from parents/carers, staff, the local community and partner organisations – ‘are ambitious to ensure that all pupils make excellent progress’.

During the one-day inspection, ‘the school was calm and pupils were well behaved. Pupils spoken to were very appreciative of the opportunities they were given to have their views and opinions listened to’.

The inspectors identified four areas of exploration for the visit: students’ attendance, behaviour, progress of the most able students and the quality of teaching and learning in options subjects. Inspectors recognised that, as a result of the various strategies being used, students’ attendance is improving.  The inspectors concluded  that ‘pupils’ behaviour was good’, in part because ‘Pupils understand the school’s high expectations for their conduct’ and ‘Pupils value the ‘Rewards system’, which encourages good behaviour, effort, kindness and community contributions’.  In terms of the progress of the most able students, one pupil is quoted as saying ‘‘Teachers allow your abilities to flourish’’, which is as a result of lessons being ‘well planned by teachers to provide a high level of challenge for the most-able pupils’ and because ‘Staff demonstrated strong subject knowledge and were using this effectively to meet pupils’ learning needs’.  The quality of teaching and learning in some subjects is being developed through, inspectors identified, ‘a professional development programme to develop effective teaching strategies’ and because the ‘recent key stage 4 curriculum restructuring enables pupils to undertake programmes of study which better support their needs’.

The report concludes with two ‘next steps’ for the school, and work on these has already started.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our achievement of ‘good’, and we look forward to your continuing support as we work towards achieving ‘outstanding’ in three years’ time.

Mr G Moore
