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COVID-19 (Coronavirus) information

(Last updated on 17 March 2020)

Please note that Regent High School is following the advice and instructions of the Department for Education and Camden Council with respect to managing the impact of COVID-19 on the school community.


COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is a rapidly developing worldwide situation.  Schools are being updated regularly by the Department for Education and Camden Council, and Public Health England is providing advice to help minimise transmission of the virus. 

We would like to reassure all students, parents, carers and partners that we are following the advice that we are being given, and that Regent High School remains open as normal.

Amendments to usual activity

While Regent High School continues to be open and to deliver the full taught curriculum, we have instituted a number of measures to minimise the risk of contracting COVID-19 for our students and staff:

  • All trips and after-school activities, including sports fixtures, are cancelled until after the Easter holiday.  Please note, however, that after-school detentions will continue to run.
  • ReachOut is cancelled until after the Easter holiday.
  • Charities Week and the Futures Fair are postponed until the summer term.

The wellbeing of our students and staff is our highest priority, and we know members of our school community will understand the reasons behind these difficult decisions.  We will return to our full offer as soon as we can.

Minimising the spread of coronavirus

We are encouraging students, staff and visitors to observe good hygiene practices, including:

  • washing hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, or using alcohol-based hand-sanitiser;
  • washing hands when you get home and to school;
  • covering a cough or sneeze with a tissue, which should then be deposited in a bin, or your sleeve;
  • try to avoid contact with people who are unwell;
  • do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean;
  • avoiding social venues such as cafes.

If you have recently visited any of the parts of the world more heavily affected by coronavirus, please follow this advice from Public Health England:

If you believe you have coronavirus

Students, staff or visitors who believe they are displaying the symptoms of coronavirus should remain at home and self-isolate.  Do not go to a pharmacy, GP surgery or hospital.  Stay at home for 14 days if you or anyone in your home has:

  • a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back;
  • a new, continuous cough – this means you've started coughing repeatedly.

Seek medical advice if your symptoms get worse or are no better after seven days.  You can use the online 111 coronavirus service at

You should stay at least three steps away from other people in your home, if possible.

You should also self-isolate if you are - or think you might be - pregnant, or have underlying health conditions.

The Government has provided the following guidance for staying at home if you suspect you have coronavirus:

See also for more information.

School visits

The Government has also provided advice regarding school visits:

The Department for Education is not currently advising against domestic trips (residential and non-residential) for children under 18 organised by education settings. Regent High School has, however, cancelled all visits until the Easter holiday.  Should visits resume after Easter, we will continue to take account of the latest health advice when planning and risk assessing activities of this nature and will ensure measures are in place and agreed with parents/carers in advance in case children or adult supervisors believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 and exhibit symptoms that require self-isolation either prior to or during an off-site activity or trip. 

Further advice and guidance

The Government has set up a dedicated hotline for parents/carers, staff and students who have concerns about coronavirus/COVID-19:

Phone: 0800 046 8687
Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)

Updates on COVID-19:

Guidance for educational settings:

Camden Council has also created a webpage with useful information: