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STUDENT OUTCOMES and performance tables

Please scroll down the page to find our 2019 results, which are given after our 2022 - 2020 results.

Headline figures 2022

Key Stage 4 student outcomes

Summer 2022

Attainment 8 score


Progress 8: +0.39 (sig+)

Attainment in English and Mathematics

Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics


Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics



Students achieving the English Baccalaureate subjects

(Average point score across the five pillars)



Students continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of KS4

Year 11 in 2019 (most recent data available)

89% in sustained education/employment/training

*Best of English Language or English Literature

For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.

Please note that the data currently available on the Department for Education website is for summer 2019, as the Government has announced that it will not publish any educational performance data for 2021.  Further information is provided here.

Key Stage 5 student outcomes

Summer 2022

Attainment of students at the end of Key Stage 5:

Average grade achieved by students at the end of Key Stage 5



Applied General/Vocational






Students reaching the end of their programme of study in 2022 (most recent data available)

Academic qualifications: 93%

Applied general qualifications: 61%

Tech Levels: 100%



Students at the end of KS5 in 2019 (most recent data available) continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of 16-19 study


Headline figures 2021

Key Stage 4 student outcomes

Summer 2021

Attainment 8 score



Attainment in English and Mathematics

Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics


Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics



Students achieving the English Baccalaureate subjects

(Average point score across the five pillars)



Students continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of KS4

Year 11 in 2019 (most recent data available)

89% in sustained education/employment/training

*Best of English Language or English Literature

This summary document shows the 2021 results compared with those from 2020, 2019 and 2018.

For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.

Please note that the data currently available on the Department for Education website is for summer 2019, as the Government has announced that it will not publish any educational performance data for 2021.  Further information is provided here.

Key Stage 5 student outcomes

Summer 2021

Attainment of students at the end of Key Stage 5:

Average grade achieved by students at the end of Key Stage 5



Applied General/Vocational






Students reaching the end of their programme of study in 2021 (most recent data available)

Academic qualifications: 93%

Applied general qualifications: 61%

Tech Levels: 100%



Students at the end of KS5 in 2019 (most recent data available) continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of 16-19 study


This summary document shows the 2021 results compared with those from 2020, 2019 and 2018.

For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.

Please note that the data currently available on the Department for Education website is for summer 2019, as the Government has announced that it will not publish any educational performance data for 2021.  Further information is provided here.

Headline figures 2020

Key Stage 4 student outcomes

Summer 2020 

Attainment 8 score



Attainment in English and Mathematics

Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics


Percentage of students achieving a grade 4 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics



Students achieving the English Baccalaureate subjects

(Average point score across the five pillars)



Students continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of KS4

Year 11 in 2017 (most recent data available)

86% in sustained education/employment/training

*Best of English Language or English Literature

For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.

Please note that the data currently available on the Department for Education website is for summer 2019, as the Government has announced that it will not publish any educational performance data for 2020.  Further information is provided here.

Key Stage 5 student outcomes

Summer 2020

Attainment of students at the end of Key Stage 5:

Average grade achieved by students at the end of Key Stage 5



Applied General/Vocational






Students reaching the end of their programme of study in 2020 (most recent data available)

Academic qualifications: 100%

Applied general qualifications: 100%

Tech Levels: 100%

For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.

Please note that the data currently available on the Department for Education website is for summer 2019, as the Government has announced that it will not publish any educational performance data for 2020.  Further information is provided here.

Headline figures 2019

Please note that the following figures are not current.

Key Stage 4 examination results

 Progress 8 score


Attainment 8 score



Attainment in English and Mathematics

Percentage of students achieving a grade 5 or above in GCSE English* and Mathematics



Students achieving the English Baccalaureate subjects

(Average point score across the five pillars)



Students continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of KS4

Year 11 in 2017 (most recent data available)

86% in sustained education/employment/training

*Best of English Language or English Literature

For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.

Key Stage 5 examination results

Progress made by students at the end of Key Stage 5



Applied General/Vocational



Attainment of students at the end of Key Stage 5:

Average grade achieved by students at the end of Key Stage 5



Applied General/Vocational





Progress made by students in GCSE English

Data suppressed because of low numbers (3 students)

Progress made by students in GCSE Mathematics

Data suppressed because of low numbers (4 students)



Students reaching the end of their programme of study in 2019

Academic qualifications: 96.7%

Applied general qualifications: 71.0%

Tech Levels: Data suppressed because of low numbers (1 student)



Students at the end of KS5 in 2017 (most recent data available) continuing into education or training, or moving into employment, at the end of 16-19 study


For more information on national school performance tables, please click here to visit the Department for Education website.