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Erasmus+: 'Innovate to Create 2'

Staff from five schools across Europe have worked together over three years to produce an innovative online toolkit for educators in music, English language and spoken word.  The toolkit showcases the pedagogical approaches that the partners have trialled with students at each of their schools and alongside practitioners from a range of cultural organisations.  The freely accessible toolkit is available on a specially designed website at

Practitioner-researchers from five schools in five countries took part in the Erasmus+-funded project between September 2018 and August 2021, navigating their research around the COVID-19 pandemic.  The schools involved were: Bertha-von-Suttner IGS in Kaiserslautern, Germany; Kodolányi János Gimnázium, Székesfehérvár, Hungary; IES Mossèn Alcover, Manacor, Spain; Almby skola, Örebro, Sweden; and Regent High School, London, UK.

Source: Erasmus+ Project Results Platform

The research project was split into seven phases: a desk-based audit of the teaching practices used by the teachers in music and English lessons; two staff research visits to the schools in Sweden and Hungary; two staff and student research visits to the schools in the UK and Germany; and – as a result of the travel restrictions in place during the COVID-19 pandemic – a virtual staff research visit to the school in Spain.  The final phase centred on the development of the ‘Innovate to Create 2’ website, which outlines the process the schools followed during the three years, as well as providing over 20 lessons and workshops for use by music, English language and spoken word educators across Europe.

You can also read about our project outcomes on the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.