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Business partnerships: learning from the experts

Business partnerships

Our business partnerships create world class opportunities for our students and we are very privileged to be linked with such prestigious institutions. We aim to raise aspirations and inspire students to develop their skills and find a career they are passionate about; our business partnerships enable us to offer practical and unique career advice and insight into the world of work.

UCL and UCL Institute of Education

UCL work primarily with our A Level students through mentoring opportunities.  The mentoring scheme is an extension of the support we provide for our students with their studies, whilst also providing them with personalised guidance from an undergraduate who can offer advice on the next stage of their education.

UCL Institute of Education (IOE) has a strong partnership with us through our previous Chair of Governors, who was Director for School Partnerships at the IOE, through a Professional Practice exchange of staff which supported coaching of students and staff and through placements for trainee teachers.

The Wellcome Trust

The Wellcome Trust has supported the school with many initiatives over several years; as well as playing an important role in various science activities, they are also key partners in our primary liaison programme.  Primary pupils are regularly invited into the school, in particular as part of the annual Year 5 Science Challenge.

Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, University of the Arts London

Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design has developed a number of projects in partnership with Regent High School in order to encourage students to understand the creative industries and progression onto higher education (HE) within the arts. Projects have included portfolio advice workshops, winter programme opportunities for Years 12 and 13 Art and Design students, as well as supporting our careers events. 

They provide students with hands on experiences, working with professional practitioners and lecturers, creating work for portfolios and developing audition techniques. This strong partnership is building year on year and they are an integral part of our transition onto post-16 arts based courses.